Campaigns 2023: Creatively through the whole year

Kampagnen 2022

Newsletter ideas and campaign tips for 2023Mit PDF-Kampagnenkalender zum Downloaden

At the latest now at the beginning of the new year, the planning for the following months is on the agenda again. When it comes to events, Corona still makes life difficult for us and repeatedly throws a spanner in the works. Luckily, there is still email marketing, which cannot be harmed by such a virus. So that you can plan your 2023 newsletter campaigns well, we have once again compiled a variety of exciting occasions and events for you. On the well-known shopping events, such as Black Friday, especially many vie for the attention of your recipients. So it’s also worth incorporating lesser-known occasions into your campaign planning now and then.

So once again this year, you’ll find a mix of classic holidays, major events, and special or fun campaign days in our post with incredible 324 campaign ideas!

Preparation and approach to campaign planning

At the beginning of content planning, you should take a close look at the year and decide which occasions are relevant or suitable for you. After all, not every holiday or campaign day is suitable for every company or industry. Occasions for 2023 campaigns can include not only those specified by the calendar, but also your own noteworthy content such as new products or anniversaries. For international companies, regional or national characteristics should also be taken into account. While in Germany, for example, Santa Claus or the Christ Child brings presents on December 24, depending on the region, in Spain they don’t arrive until January 6th with Epiphany.

Depending on the importance of the occasion, a single mailing can be sent or a multi-stage campaign can be created. Multi-stage campaigns are particularly worthwhile for important occasions such as trade fairs and events in order to achieve the necessary attention and really reach a large number of recipients. The use of competitions, for example the raffle of tickets, can ensure more attention in such campaigns. This generates interaction and can make a positive contribution to customer loyalty.

Especially with campaigns, timing is significant for their success. Therefore, plan early on when and how often newsletters will be sent out and how long the campaign should run in total.

Of course, a good campaign in 2023 must not be without a target definition. This is the only way to measure whether the campaign was really successful and whether there is a need for further optimization in terms of performance. Goals can be the acquisition of new customers or customer loyalty. The sale of products, the achievement of turnover or the increase in awareness can also be goals or just the dissemination of important information.

Developing good campaigns for 2023 requires the interplay of these variables to be right.

Navigate quickly and targeted to the respective month

Note: In addition to the following campaign days and occasions, major sporting events are of course also suitable for planning corresponding campaigns. Since the article would otherwise have become too extensive, we have concentrated only on the best-known events.

Legend: ⭐ Particularly popular occasions for campaigns | Marked in blue: Holidays in parts of Germany or all of Germany.

Newsletter ideas for January

The start of the new year in January is usually a quiet one at work. But privately, the days off are used extensively to consume. On the one hand, you have the time for it and on the other hand, there is still the Christmas bonus… In the middle of the month, the calm and quiet is over and the fight for sales picks up again. There are plenty of occasions for creative newsletters and witty email campaigns. And in terms of sports, January is of course the month of winter sports. From the Vierschanzentournee to the Biathlon and Super G, there are a number of events on offer that can be used for newsletters if the target group is suitable.

1. January New Year’s Eve

6. January Epiphany

6. January Day of Mrs. Hulda

8. January Bring something to work day
Make your colleagues happy

8. January Tennis: Start Australian Open

11. January International Thank You Day
Say thank you to customers and business partners for their support and wonderful cooperation.

11. January Day of the German apple

13. January Make Your Dreams Come True Day

16. January International Day of snow

17. January Throw-your-year-resolutions-overboard day
For many, they don’t even survive January. Use this day to help your customers with their resolutions. For example, hold a prize draw for a personal trainer programme or a healthy eating pack.

Newsletter-Anlässe und Kampagnenideen für Januar

17. January Italian Cuisine Day

18. January Day of the snowman

19. January Day of the popcorn

20. January Coffee break day

21. January International Sweatpants Day

21. January World Cuddle Day

22. January Chinese New Year Festival
The Chinese market is becoming increasingly interesting for many European companies. In addition, globalization means that influences from all regions are spilling over onto the European market. So why not simply take advantage of this day and delight customers with New Year’s wishes? Far Eastern horoscopes are also very popular.

24. January Compliments Day

And if your recipients have already thrown good intentions overboard, today would be the right day for an encouraging compliment. Why not tell your reader that he is the best newsletter recipient you could ever wish for, because he is reading these lines 😉

24. January International Education Day

26. January Australian National Day

28. January European Data Protection Day
Show your customers and recipients that you take this issue seriously by talking about what protective measures you have in place.

Newsletter ideas for February

February is all about the winter sale to make room for spring merchandise, even though it no longer officially exists. Accordingly, sale campaigns are ideal for email marketing. One or the other customer may already be waiting for a discount in order to be able to buy the winter jacket as a bargain after all. February is also a popular month for winter vacations. This creates advertising  opportunities for all industries that profit from winter sports. In addition to the seasonal campaign ideas, February also offers highlights such as Valentine’s Day or Rose Monday or even the Super Bowl,  which provide perfect newsletter occasions:

1. February Change your password Day

2. February Groundhog Day

4. February World Cancer Day

6. February Lame duck Day

8. February Marriage Proposal Day in India

9. February Safer Internet Day

9. February Pizza Day

11. February White Tshirt Day

13. February Super Bowl ⭐
Probably the most important US sport event, the Super Bowl the final of the national professional football league (NFL) is also becoming increasingly popular in Germany. Surely you won’t attract the big crowds with a campaign or event for this event in Europe like you would for a European Football Championship, but perhaps the Super Bowl is an exciting occasion for your target group.Ideen und Anlässe für Newsletter-Kampagnen im Februar

13. February International Kissing Day
Fittingly, one day before Valentine’s Day, the International Day of the Kiss is already a nice occasion to honor partnership and love. This can also be well integrated into a multistage campaign for Valentine’s Day.

14. February International Give a Book Day

14. February Valentine‘s Day
For companies from the consumer goods industry or retail, Valentine’s Day offers a worthwhile occasion for a loving newsletter campaign. Especially in the B2C sector, there are plenty of discount campaigns on this occasion. Of course, you can also use this day in the B2B sector. Why not thank your customers for their loyalty with a special white paper, for example?

14. February Condom Day

16. February Innovation Day

18. February Battery Day

20. February International Pipe Smokers Day

20. February Rose Monday ⭐
Surely among your customers are some fools, whom you can please with a colorful offer.

21. February International Mother Tongue Day

22. February Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday marks the end of the carnival season and the beginning of Lent. Even though many people no longer fast for religious reasons, the time leading up to Easter is often used for abstinence. Instead of the classic meat renunciation, the renunciation of alcohol, sugar, smoking or coffee, for example, is also popular. Some would also like to limit their media consumption. These are perfect campaign approaches, even if you don’t sell any substitute products.

25. February Day of interlaced sentences
How about an interlaced mailing?

28. February Rare Disease Day

Newsletter ideas for March

After the carnival season, it’s time for the health and fitness industry to get back to work, and for some people, a guilty conscience is also on their mind. The beginning of Lent is a welcome occasion for companies from these sectors to draw attention to the corresponding offers. March also offers numerous newsletter events that can be integrated well into communication.

1. March Compliments Day

3. March Make Others Happy Day

5. March Energy Saving Day

6. March Frozen Food Day

7. March Healthy Eating Day

8. March International Women’s Day
International Women’s Day offers the perfect occasion to give the “fairer sex” a little treat on March 8th. Whether you distribute small gifts or vouchers or pay attention to the female part of the population with other attentions, the ladies will certainly be pleased. In Berlin, by the way, Women’s Day is an official holiday.

12. March Plant a Tree Day

12. March World Day Against Internet Censorship

14. March Schnitzel and Blowjob Day

15. March Back Health Day

15. March World Consumer Day

17. March St. Patrick’s Day ⭐

19. March Let’s Laugh Day
Laughter is something beautiful and makes you start the day cheerfully. Make your customers smile on this day, that will certainly remain longer in the memory.

Kampagnenideen für März

20. March Meteorological beginning of spring

21. March International Day of Forests

22. March World Water Day

22. March Islamic Feast of Sacrifice, start of Ramadan

24. March Cocktails Day

26. March Daylight saving time changeover
Every time anew, many ask themselves the question, is the clock now set forwards or backwards? Build a nice “mnemonic bridge” for your customers and remind them at the same time. By the way, the clock is set forward one hour. The night of the changeover will therefore be shorter, just as the days are now becoming noticeably longer.

31. March World Backup Day

Newsletter Ideas for April

In April, Easter provides the perfect occasion for creative newsletter campaigns. Easter is a time for a bit more from big eggs to hidden offers to sweepstakes, everything is possible. However, April is usually also the month when it gets increasingly warmer and it’s finally time for spring and outdoor gear. The gardening season is also in the starting blocks.

2. April Palm Sunday

3. April World Party Day
Why don’t you invite your customers to your office in a multistage campaign? This way, you can celebrate World Party Day together more customer loyalty is almost impossible. Depending on the situation, an online event is of course also possible.

3. April Day of the ass card

6. April Day of Sports / World Table Tennis Day

6. April Maundy Thursday

7. April World Health Day

7. April Good Friday

8. April Hana Matsuri, Japanese Flower Festival and Buddha’s Birthday

9. April Day of the Unicorn

9. April Easter Sunday
Next to Christmas, Easter is the most important traditional celebration in our culture. There is a lot possible from nice Easter greetings to an extensive Easter campaign with raffles and discounts across several channels.

10. April Easter Monday

10. April Safety Pin Day

10. April Siblings Day

11. April Invisibility Day

16. April International Voice Day

18. April World Amateur Radio Day

20. April International Cannabis Day, Stoner Day

20. April Day of Doppelgänger
Statistically speaking, every person has seven doppelgangers. Perhaps one or the other has already found one or is actively searching for his or her own double. There are certainly many exciting stories.

Newsletter und Kampagnen im April

22. April Earth Day

23. April German Beer Day

23. April World Book Day

25. April World Penguin Day

27. April World Design Day

29. April World Dance Day

30. April Walpurgis Night

Newsletter ideas for May

With several holidays and many great and themed occasions, May provides plenty of material for creative newsletters. Not to forget Mother’s Day as an important date for many retailers. It’s easy to create a multistage campaign around this occasion.

1. May Labor Day

2. May World Tuna Day

2. May Day of the Baby
In countries like Germany, where many couples have only one or two children, the focus is far more on offspring. The need to make sure it is doing well is high. So Baby Day is perfect
for targeting parentstobe and new parents when you offer products or services for the little ones.

Anlässe und Ideen für Kampagnen im Mai

3. May World Press Freedom Day

3. May Day of the Sun

4. May Star Wars Day

5. May Day of the Sandwich Baguette

6. May Without Pants Day

8. May End of World War 2

9. May Lost Socks Day

9. May Europe Day

14. May Day of Hiking

14. May Mother‘s Day
There are many opportunities here to use the day for creative campaigns: From supermarkets and bakeries advertising to spoil mothers with homemade baked goods, to garden centers and florists offering beautiful bouquets, to hotels and restaurants that entice with special pampering menus and offers, there are a thousand ways to thank mothers for their commitment and just as many to advertise it.

15. May Family Day

17. May World Telecommunication Day

17. May World Day of Baking

18. May Ascension Day / Father’s Day
In Germany, Ascension Day is celebrated in many regions as Men’s Day or Father’s Day. So it’s time for a campaign that specifically addresses the men of creation and can also be a bit more unconventional. Make e.g. a photo competition for the best father’s day photo and let your Community select the winner. A beer brewing seminar or a professional barbecue course for the winner’s entire Father’s Day group would be perfect as a prize.

18. May Museum Day

21. May World Day for Cultural Diversity

21. May World Whisky Day

22. May Biodiversity Day

22. May International Gothic Scene Day

25. May International Towel Day

28. May Women’s Health Day

28. May Whit Sunday

29. May Whit Monday

29. May Paperclip Day

31. May World No Tobacco Day

Newsletter Ideas for June

June still has a few holidays and newsletter events in store. However, this month can also be used very well for campaigns around sports, social issues and the environment. June is also the beginning of summer and the tourism industry is preparing for the peak season.

1. June International Children’s Day

1. June Meteorological beginning of summer

1. June World Farmers’ Day

3. June Day of the Bicycle

5. June World Environment Day
Do you offer environmentally friendly products and services? Then World Environment Day is a suitable date to draw more attention to them. But also if you as a company are particularly committed to environmental protection or support corresponding projects, this is a good opportunity to talk about it and serve as a role model.

5. June Thank god, it’s monday day

6. June Gardening Day

7. June Pharmacy Day

8. June Ocean Day

8. June Best Friends Day

8. June Corpus Christi

10. June Men’s Champions League Finale ⭐

13. June Day of the garden

14. June World Blood Donor Day

14. June International Bathing Day

16. June Fresh Vegetable Day

17. June Road Safety Day

19. June Wristwatch Day

21. June Summer solstice and beginning of summer

Kampagnenideen im Juni

21. June International TShirt Day

21. June World Dachshund Day

25. June Seafarers Day

26. June World Refrigeration Day

26. June AntiDrug Day

26. June International Smurfs Day
You are likely to get especially much attention with the day of the Smurfs. Build a small campaign under the motto “We turn blue today” and think of a funny action for it. Even if you don’t deal with children’s products, almost everyone knows the Smurfs.

27. June Sunglasses Day

27. June Dormouse Day

July Newsletter and Campaigns

With the Day of the Kiss and the Day of Joy, July offers two very nice newsletter occasions. Moreover, summer is now at its peak and with the summer vacations the vacation mood is spreading. July usually provides enough ideas for nice, summer newsletter campaigns. If you are looking for additional ideas for possible campaigns, you will certainly find them in the following occasions:

1. July International Jokes Day

1. July International Fruit Day

1. July Start Tour de France

1. July Cooperative Day

2. July World UFO Day

2. July I forgot day

3. July International Plastic Bag Free Day

5. July Bikini Day

6. July International Kissing Day
Since the calendar writers could not decide on a day, there is another day of kissing in July in addition to February 13. If you are honest, there are still far too few occasions for this…

7. July Chocolate Day
Who doesn’t love it… Why not surprise your customers with the sweet temptation and include something chocolatey with every order or onsite sale on this day and refer to this day. This positive and unexpected surprise is sure to arrive.

8. July Video Games Day

9. July Rock ‘n’ Roll Day

11. July World Population Day

13. July Happy Workers Day

14. July Day of Nudity

15. July Sharing Day

17. July World Emoji Day

18. July World Listening Day

22. July Christopher Street Day

23. July Grandma and Grandpa Day

24. July International Day of Joy
Everyone appreciates a little something, so take advantage of the day and make your customers happy.

Anlässe für Kampagnen und Newsletter im Juli

28. July World Conservation Day

28. July Honor Day of the Sysadmins

30. July Late arrival day

30. July International Friendship Day
Everyone appreciates a little something, so take advantage of the day and make your customers happy.

Ideas for campaigns in August

August is often a bit quieter due to the summer break, but the new season starts for the Bundesliga professionals and soccer fans. And suppliers of clothing, shoes and other seasonal items also have to  slowly make room in their warehouses for the fall merchandise. With the end of the summer vacations, campaigns with the motto backtoschool are also booming. In addition to summer sales, you can also use the following dates and newsletter events for your campaigns:

1. August World Middle Finger Day

3. August Watermelon Day

5. August International Beer Day

8. August Augsburg Peace Festival

8. August World Cat Day

Kampagnen und Newsletter-Ideen für August

9. August Honor Day of Art

10. August World Lazy Day
Use this day according to the motto: “Put your feet up and enjoy the day. Don’t waste time searching for deals because we have the top offers.”

12. August World Elephant Day

12. August Youth Day
The Day of Youth can be used well for campaigns around products and services that preserve youth or convey a sense of youthfulness. A good occasion for the beauty industry.

13. August International LeftHanded Day

15. August Assumption of the Virgin Mary

15. August Day of errors

18. August Mail Order Catalog Day

19. August Humanitarian Aid Day

19. August World Photo Day

21. August International Geocaching Day

22. August Day of the fish

22. August Be An Angel Day

28. August Crumbs over the keyboard day

30. August International Day of the Disappeared

30. August Beach Day

31. August Eat Outside Day
The perfect promotion day for beer gardens and restaurants with terrace to win one or the other new regular customer. But also the loyal regular customers and newsletter subscribers are happy about a special offer.

Campaign events for September

Even though it’s called Oktoberfest, this internationally popular folk festival takes place mostly in September (Sept. 17 to Oct. 3, 2022). Let’s hope that it will take place again after a twoyear break due to Corona. In the meantime, the beer spectacle is celebrated not only in Munich, but around the globe. You too can take advantage of the publicity for an Oktoberfest campaign and offer appropriate deals. But there are also enough newsletter occasions in September for party poopers and industries that can’t do anything with the beer festival. See for yourself:

1. September Meteorological beginning of autumn

1. September AntiWar Day

1. September World Letter Writing Day

2. September International Coconut Day

3. September Skyscraper Day

3. September Jewish Culture Day

4. September Currywurst Day

5. September Headache Day

5. September Charity Day
Does your company support charitable causes? Or are there employees who are particularly committed? Then draw attention to this. Why not plan a fundraising campaign for the day? For example, you could donate 5 percent of the day’s sales to a predetermined charitable organization.

7. September Buy a Book Day

8. September International Forgiveness Day

8. September Star Trek Day

8. September World Literacy Day

9. September German Language Day

11. September First Aid Day

11. September Make Your Bed Day

12. September Day of the Homeland

12. September Computer Games Day

13. September Programmer Day

13. September International Chocolate Day
Both World Chocolate Day on July 7 and International Chocolate Day can be traced back to the National Confectioners Association (NCA). That’s fine with us, since the candy tastes good all year round.

14. September Day of the Berliner

15. September Democracy Day

16. September Ozone Layer Day

16. September Start of Oktoberfest in Munich

17. September Craft Day

18. September Day of the cemetery

19. September Speak Like a Pirate Day

21. September International Peace Day

21. September World Day of Gratitude

22. September Car Free Day

22. September World Day of the Sea

23. September Beginning of autumn

24. September Gorilla Day

25. September Day of cooking

25. September Dental Health Day

27. September World Tourism Day
Whether you’re a hotel, tour operator, tourism board or museum, this day is perfect for drawing attention to yourself and boosting business with a campaign. Because, even if the main price season is already over, a New Year’s Eve trip or an early bird offer will surely lure one or the other customer.

Newsletter und Kampagnen im September

29. September World Heart Day

30. September International Podcast Day

Newsletter occasions and campaigns in October

In October, the golden autumn is usually still in full swing. Nevertheless, the cold season is now slowly making itself felt. Warmth and coziness become more important and you can already present the first winter trends. In addition to sales promotions, you can also place tips for the cold season in your newsletters. October is a very grateful month overall and provides countless campaign ideas:

1. October World Vegetarian Day

1. October Coffee Day

2. October Day of Nonviolence

3. October German Unity Day

3. October Open Mosque Day

4. October Animal Welfare Day

7. October Morning Grumpy Day

9. October World Post Day

10. October Homeless Day

10. October World Dog Day
The day is arguably the highlight of the year for pet supply companies. Not in the industry? No problem. Then how about introducing your office dogs on social media? You’re sure to score points with dog lovers.

11. October Girls Day

11. October Coming Out Day

12. October World Rheumatism Day

14. October World Standards Day

15. October Hands Wash Day

15. October Repair Day

16. October Dictionary Day

16. October International Bread Day

16. October World Food Day

17. October Day against poverty

20. October World Statistics Day

22. October Pretzel Day

24. October Day of the united Nationen

24. October Nutrition Day

25. October World Noodle Day

25. October World Statistics Day

28. October International Artists‘ Day

29. October World Internet Day

29. October End of Daylight Saving Time

31. October Reformation Day 

31. October World Day of Cities

31. October Halloween

Newsletter-Ideen und Anlässe im Oktober

Campaign ideas for November

By November at the latest, the Christmas business is booming. Even though the first Christmas items are already in the stores in September, now is the earliest most people start their Christmas shopping. In conjunction with Black Friday and the right campaigns, you can really boost sales now. But even before Black Friday, November provides newsletter occasions for successful campaigns:

1. November All Saints’ Day

1. November Day of the Unicorn

1. November World Vegan Day

2. November All Souls’ Day

3. November Day of the housewife

3. November World Men’s Day

9. November Inventors Day

9. November Fall of the Wall

10. November World Science Day

11. November St. Martin’s Day

11. November Beginning of carnival
And exactly at 11:11 o’clock the foolish time begins once again.

11. November Singles Day ⭐
A day that has also gained significantly in importance in Europe. Perhaps you will also be at the start with a shopping campaign in 2022?

13. November Be nice Day

13. November Remembrance Day

16. November Tolerance Day

16. November Fast Food Day

17. November Student Day

18. November Philosophy Day

20. November Sunday of the dead

20. November Children’s Rights Day

21. November Day of Television

21. November World Hello Day

22. November Day of Repentance and Prayer

25. November Black Friday ⭐
The shopping kickoff for the Christmas business par excellence

Anlässe für Newsletter-Kampagnen im November

27. November Turtle Sponsorship Day

28. November Cyber Monday ⭐

28. November Giving Tuesday
In this consumerdriven time, it’s important to also think about those in need and donate. Under the hashtag #GivingTuesday you can see who is participating.

30. November International Computer Security Day
For IT and telecommunication companies, this day is a good occasion to remind themselves with a few good security tips and to point out the security of their own systems.

Ideas for newsletters and campaigns in December

December is so dominated by Christmas that it probably hardly needs any other occasions. Nevertheless, or just to stand out from the rest, you can still find alternative occasions for newsletters and campaigns in December in our overview. At the end of the year, you can still take the opportunity this month to thank your customers and partners. Here you can find newsletter events in December for your campaign calendar:

1. December Metrological start of winter

1. December World AIDS Day

1. December Christmas lights day

3. December 1. Advent

4. December World Ice Skating Day

5. December Volunteer Day

8. December Christmas Tree Day

9. December Christmas card day

10. December Human Rights Day

10. December Day of the Christmas Stollen

10. December 2. Advent

11. December Mountain Day

11. December Worldwide Candle Lighting

14. December Day of the monkey

15. December International Tea Day

17. December 3. Advent

18. December Baking Cookies Day

19. December Search A Christmas Tree Day
If you’re a Christmas tree seller, you probably don’t need this day they’re sure to go anyway. But how about starting a small campaign or social media action, at the end of which you can win a Christmas tree, preferably with all the trimmings.

20. December Solidarity Day

21. December World Orgasm Day

22. December Winter Solstice

22. December Christmas Pastry Day

24. December 4. Advent

24. December Christmas Eve
The Christmas season is the peak season for retailers, the toy industry, the Confectionery manufacturers, etc. Here you can run campaigns throughout the preChristmas period. For less relevant  industries, there should at least be a nice Christmas mailing for the customers.

Kampagnen-Ideen im Dezember

25. December 1st Christmas Day

26. December 2nd Christmas Day

31. December New Year’s Eve

With the E-Marketing Manager (EMM), AGNITAS offers an intuitive marketing automation software for creative multi-channel campaigns via email, web push, SMS, fax and print. As an in-house and SaaS solution, the multi-award-winning software meets individual data protection requirements and flexibly adapts to customer needs. From open source to high-end, there is a suitable variant for every budget.

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