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DORA: Digital Operational Resilience Act

The Future of Email Communication with DORA The digital world is constantly evolving, and with it the regulatory requirements that companies must meet. One of the latest developments in this area is DORA - this regulation aims to strengthen the resilience of financial service providers' information and communication technology. What does this mean in concrete

The perfect offer for your purposes

From on-premise to cloud There is now a wide range of offerings for the operation of software: in-house, on-premise, housing, dedicated and shared hosting, ASP, SaaS, public cloud and private cloud. This article will help you understand the jungle of different types of offers and provide recommendations on which type of offer is best suited

Accessible Newsletter – how it works

6 reasons for accessible newsletters Accessible newsletters are more than just a nice gesture. Did you know that 20 per cent of your target audience has accessibility needs? Accessibility in digital content such as newsletters, websites and landing pages is crucial to ensure that all people, regardless of physical or technical limitations, have equal access

Campaigns 2023: Creatively through the whole year

Newsletter ideas and campaign tips for 2023 At the latest now at the beginning of the new year, the planning for the following months is on the agenda again. When it comes to events, Corona still makes life difficult for us and repeatedly throws a spanner in the works. Luckily, there is still email marketing,

Influence of bots on email marketing

The unsubscribe rate is through the roof - what's the reason? Of course, as a marketer, you start sweating when a double-digit unsubscribe rate is suddenly recorded after sending out a newsletter. You get even more confused when the open and click rates are also sensationally high. And complete perplexity sets in when you see

Optimized customer lifecycle

Touchpoints in the Customer Lifecycle From newsletter sign-up to regular customer, a lead goes through several phases in the customer lifecycle. In each of these phases, there are numerous opportunities to contact the recipient - automatically or manually - via email. The better you know them, the more individual touchpoints there are for trigger-based communication.

Secure e-mail delivery with BIMI – this is how it works

Our way to BIMI Spam and phishing e-mails are a constant problem for many e-mail recipients and are sometimes difficult to identify. For this reason, various standards have been established which, for example, allow the sender to be identified. The latest procedure is called BIMI and enables the recipient to check the authenticity of the

Black Friday and Co. – campaigns for shopping events

Campaigns in November November is an early Christmas for all shopping enthusiasts and bargain hunters. It all starts with Singles Day on November 11, which originated in China. In our culture, this day is traditionally associated with the start of carnival. In China, Singles Day always takes place on this date. The ones in the

How to create a mailing distribution list

The heart of every email marketing: the distributon list You probably already have a few e-mail addresses in your distribution list. But in order to bring the benefits of your products and services closer to as many people as possible, this should still grow properly. How can this be achieved? A good e-mail distribution list

How shopping cart abandoners become buyers

Marketing automation to combat shopping cart abandoners Abandoned shopping carts are a nuisance for many online stores - the interest was there, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to make a purchase. The reasons can be plenty. Some people didn't want to buy the product at all or have already bought it elsewhere, so further promotions

eLetter: 10 reasons for internal newsletters

eLetter instead of bulletin board Digital options for internal communication have been increasingly used in recent months. Due to the pandemic, the classic bulletin board has become rather obsolete. This will probably remain the case for some employees in the long term, as the need to come into the office has been reduced in many

Successful customer journey with trigger mails

Reaching customers automatically and personally Everyone is familiar with this situation: when browsing in an online store, something quickly ends up in the shopping cart, but is not ordered after all. The customer may have found the product cheaper somewhere else or may not need it so urgently. As a store owner, you don't want

11 tips for the perfect subject

The perfect subject line To be clear, the perfect subject line can exist, but it is more like wishful thinking. After all, a successful subject line depends on more than just good wording. Other influencing factors, such as the time of sending or the target group, also have a major impact on the opening rate.

Newsletter checklist for professional mailing

Newsletter check - how to achieve high quality The success of a newsletter depends on the quality. This means, for example, no typos, correctly displayed images and also functioning links. Surely the reader will forgive a small mistake, but too many mistakes can harm you. If errors occur more frequently, the recipient may draw negative

Open source for public authorities and administrations

Free code for German authorities? Of course! The digitization of society is advancing and is not stopping at German offices and authorities. But digital processes, which have long been standard in many commercial enterprises, often lag far behind in public administration. The current pandemic has ruthlessly exposed the failures in digitization - you can't fight

Newsletter Design 2021 – Current Trends

Which designs will be used in newsletters in 2021? Visual stimuli have the greatest effect on most people. We are attracted to things that we perceive as beautiful: the T-shirt with a certain pattern, the great designer sofa or the fancy sports car. Even when we consume media, visuals have a great influence; this is

Trends Email Marketing 2021

Trends 2021 - Here's what's happening in email marketing In 2021, email is and will remain one of the most important marketing tools. In German-speaking countries alone, 95 percent of companies used email marketing to reach customers and prospects in 2020, according to email marketing benchmarks. Just because it's a technology that's been around for

Successful communication at the end of the year

Shopping events and thank you notes at the end of the year Canceled Christmas parties and Christmas markets are causing trouble for many people this year. But especially in the pre-Christmas period and at the end of the year the need for human contact is especially great - the dark season is getting to us.

20 years of email dispatch with EMM

A special anniversary for EMM We are celebrating an anniversary of a special kind: 20 years ago to the day - on 7th July 2000 - AGNITAS E-Marketing Manager (EMM) successfully sent out the first paid customer mailing. AGNITAS was thus not only the first German e-mail marketing provider after the date of its foundation,

Data cleansing – an absolute obligation for every sender

Time to clean up - data economy is the maxim It is not only necessary to keep order in the home or office, but also in the database. Because over time a lot of things accumulate here. Data that is no longer necessary for the operative business costs you unnecessary performance and therefore money. In

Corona crisis: email marketing under different conditions

E-mail marketing at the time of the Corona crisis For several weeks now, the news and current reports on the Corona Virus Covid-19 have dominated not only the news, but also our everyday lives. No wonder, because never before has there been such restrictive measures in Germany since the Second World War as in recent

Binding customers with trigger mails

Trigger mails - communicate along the customer journey Most people are probably familiar with this situation: You browse through an online shop and may already have put something in your shopping cart, but then decide against completing the purchase process. Maybe you want to compare if there are cheaper items available somewhere, or the purchase

Newsletter Design 2020 – current trends

Is your newsletter design up to date? Of course, content is still king, but beautiful packaging has never hurt. It's the same with mailings: Just a few naked lines of text, without any design, you just don't like to read. A nicely designed newsletter makes you want to read the content much more. As with

Email marketing trends – a look into the future

Trends in email marketing - what's happening Especially in online marketing you always have to stay on the ball in order not to oversleep trends and pant afterwards. Even with the dinosaur of online marketing - email marketing - things are happening and the channel is constantly evolving. It doesn't matter whether it's about design,

Newsletter occasions and ideas for the whole year

Creative newsletter campaigns in 2020 The new year has already begun and now at the latest it is time to start planning the campaigns and newsletters for 2020. Which topics should be played? Which events need to be considered early on? And what occasions can be used for entertaining, eye-catching or funny campaigns? You probably

More attention during year-end business

Shopping events and gift exchange Most people are enjoying the golden autumn right now, but the rather dreary and dark season is right around the corner. But this also means that the Christmas season is getting closer and closer. For one or the other, the thought of it may already trigger slight panic attacks. Others,

20 years of AGNITAS – we celebrate together

20 years of e-mail marketing with AGNITAS On Friday the 11th of October we celebrated our 20th anniversary in sparkling sunshine. Of course you could do this only in small groups with all employees, but we at AGNITAS wanted to share our joy with everyone who contributed to this success. As a veteran of the

The end of commercial WhatsApp use?

What's still possible with WhatsApp? What are the alternatives, especially for publishers and media companies? WhatsApp is the most popular messenger service and and the best way to reach the younger target group. So what's more obvious than using this service for commercial purposes? Some companies have tried this before. Espsecially media companies had great

Targeting – Reaching customers with the right content

Reach the right target group with targeting The personalization of advertising - aka targeting - has become indispensable, especially in online marketing. Today's targeting possibilities go far beyond a personal salutation. This enables us to address potential customers even better. But targeting must not be seen as a panacea, since measures such as branding are

New CSA Requirements for Imprint

A link alone in the newsletter is no longer enough The CSA (Certified Senders Alliance) guarantees its members a secure sending of e-mails and thus ensures that serious e-mails do not end up in the spam folder. However, a high standard is also necessary here in order not to destroy this advantage of the involved

Inseparable: E-Commerce and E-Mail Marketing

That's why e-mail marketing is so important for online shops Online Shops have long surpassed the traditional way of trading. Due to the ever changing trading and purchasing behaviours that got caused by e-commerce, marketing had to reinvent and improve itself dozens of times. Advertising expenditure has shifted, the budget which 20 years ago was

What does the Brexit mean for Datasecurity

Brexit? Yes? No? Maybe? The Brexit has been an ongoing topic in the news for months now and the planned date for its withdrawal, 31 October 2019, is slowly approaching. The fronts in the British parliament are hardened and it is questionable whether there will be a regulated Brexit or even a stay in the

Emojis – more emotions for email marketing

Generating emotions for your newsletters with emojis, smileys and co. WhatsApp has become the most used messenger service and what would WhatsApp be without Emojis? ... True, hard to even think about it. Not only does it look nice when a small picture is added to the text from time to time, but Emojis also

Creative Newsletter-Campaigns for every time of the year

Newsletter ideas and tips for campaigns in 2021 The year 2020 is slowly coming to an end. Some people might be quite happy about that. Finally this corona-torn year is over. So we are optimistic and hope that 2021 can only get better. But for that we have to do a little bit of work,

Facts and figures 2018 from the EMM and our office

How well do you know AGNITAS?Facts and figures 2018 you probably don't know Email marketing has a lot to do with numbers. Whether it is the click rate or the conversion rate that indicates the measurable success of a mailing or a campaign, numbers create facts and opportunities for comparison. But what about companies? Of

Black Friday – THE shopping event

Black FridayHow to use the shopping highlight for your campaigns it's almost time again for Black Friday. Black Friday in the USA is traditionally the Friday after Thanksgiving, the American harvest festival and the shopping highlight of the year. Black Friday in German-speaking countries. Black Friday is also enjoying increasing popularity in German-speaking countries. Considering

10 point checklist GDPR

Implementation of the GDPR in practice The GDPR has now been through for about three months. And most companies have also felt that this is the end of the story. But even if all the requirements for the GDPR had been met by the deadline, this is no guarantee that nothing more will be heard

dmexco 2018 – our fair highlights

Next week the dmexco is finally going to open its gates. In the past weeks, we have already presented you our highlights at the annual meeting of the digital industry. Of course, these fair novelties show only a small part of our daily development work at AGNITAS, because much of what our team does is not

EU’s GDPR compliant E-mail marketing

AGNITAS is compliant As the deadline for its enforcement draws nearer, it is becoming more difficult to ignore the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Whether daily newsletters or postal mailings, the headlines are screaming about “How to Comply with the EU General Data Protection Regulation”. In social media, the issue has taken on absurd

EU GDPR compliant newsletter registration

The six-point checklistThis should be considered for an EU's GDPR compliant newsletter registration In consideration of subscription pages for newsletters, it becomes clear that in their current form most such pages do not comply with the requirements of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The EU GDPR will take effect on May 25, 2018.

Higher conversion with brand affinity

Best Practice at the eCommerce expert BAUR Whether it’s fashion, shoes or living: Many customers of the BAUR mail order retailer prefer well-known brands or brands they have already had a satisfying experience with. The mail order retailer takes advantage of this brand affinity and has developed pertinent customized brand mailing together with AGNITAS. This

New version of the popular openemm software available

Munich, 25.02.2015. OpenEMM, the world’s most popular open source software for newsletter with more than 500,000 downloads is now offering a variety of new functions. The new features include new target groups, more interfaces, improved usability and a refined bounce detection.

Marketingtrends: Marketing Automation is most important

Marketing gurus permanently tell us, what the top marketing trends are. We thought, why shouldn’t we ask those, who are really affected? In our recent customer survey you have given us your evaluation about current online marketing trends.

Special newsletter with dynamic content

Pimp my newsletterSpecial newsletters with dynamic content can achieve more than colored pictures can Anyone wanting to reach customers on an ongoing basis will continue to rely on newsletters. On the other hand, anyone believing that a newsletter is not as efficient for addressing subscribers as, for example, a TV commercial would be, is wrong.

Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) Guidelines

CSA GuidelinesProfit of the CSA Whitelisting The Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) is a worldwide unique collaboration project of the DDV – the German Direct Marketing Association and eco – the Association of the German Internet Industry. The CSA runs a central, Germany-wide Whitelist, which is adopted by numerous large providers, like 1&1, AOL, Freenet, GMX,

Lead Management for relevant marketing

The term Lead Management stands for generating, processing and evaluating of prospect and customer data. The aim is to make even more relevant marketing with this data, to gain more turnover at the end of the day.

We are looking forward to your suggestions and feedback!