Accessible Newsletter – how it works

Barrierefreie Newsletter

6 reasons for accessible newslettersWhat is an accessible newsletter all about?

Accessible newsletters are more than just a nice gesture. Did you know that 20 per cent of your target audience has accessibility needs? Accessibility in digital content such as newsletters, websites and landing pages is crucial to ensure that all people, regardless of physical or technical limitations, have equal access to your information.

It is important to note here that the requirements for accessible newsletters are very different. The needs of sensory impairments alone, such as visual impairments, can vary greatly. For example, while a blind customer may use a screen reader to read your newsletter, a visually impaired customer may use a mouse or trackpad to enlarge the text or resolution.

We have summarised the 6 most important advantages for you as to why you should also make your newsletter accessible. You can download detailed information on implementation, useful tools and a practical checklist at the end of the article in our white paper.

1. Inclusivity

One in five individuals has a need for accessible content! By implementing an accessible newsletter, you can reach a broader target group. Accessible newsletters are a step towards a fairer and more inclusive society where no one is excluded due to their limitations (Digital Accessibility and Quality | Crownpeak, n.d.).

2. Legal compliance

The Accessibility Act (BFSG) is coming. This will make digital accessibility a human right – and a duty! The importance of online accessibility in Europe is supported by the European Accessibility Act (EAA). Among other things, this obliges the member states to make all online commerce accessible for consumers. This directive must be implemented by all EU countries by 28 June 2025.

3. Image enhancement

Show that your organisation is committed to inclusion. Companies that make their digital content accessible to all are not only signalling legal responsibility, but also social commitment. This commitment is rewarded with trust and has a positive effect on your organisation’s image.

4. Increased customer loyalty

Accessible content demonstrates that you take your target group seriously. This leads to stronger customer loyalty, as users feel better understood and valued. Conversely, customers are more likely to leave if they find it difficult to take advantage of your services and offers.

5. Development of new markets

By considering accessibility practices, you open up your content to a wider audience. This can lead to new customer relationships and business opportunities as you reach people who may not have previously been able to access your information and take advantage of your offers.

6. Increase in sales

Accessible newsletters improve user-friendliness, which can lead to higher customer satisfaction and potentially higher sales. You should therefore consider the optimisation of newsletters in terms of accessibility not as an expense, but as an investment.

10 steps to an accessible newsletter

The way to accessible newsletters is not that difficult, you just need to know what is important. Our white paper describes the individual measures in more detail. Here you will find an overview of the points that are relevant for accessible newsletters.

  • Structure and readability
  • Layout and font
  • Comprehensibility of the texts
  • Convenience before aesthetics
  • Alternative texts for images
  • Colour contrast
  • Font size
  • Clear links and buttons
  • Invisible reCAPTCHAs instead of CAPTCHAS
  • Test, test, test

Whitepaper Accessible Newsletters

Download whitepaper Accessible newsletters now

Our white paper Accessible newsletters not only contains a detailed description of all measures, but also a clear checklist for successful implementation. We also provide you with free tools in the white paper that you can use to test your newsletter for accessibility.

We offer you our white paper for free download in return for agreeing to receive our newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time if you do not wish to receive it. It will not be passed on to third parties. The newsletter provides you with regular tips and information about e-mail and marketing automation.

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